Profit Increase is a black stallion by the late-great First Down Dash

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standing at Prairie Breeze Quarter Horses

Nancy Lewis   751 2nd Road NE    Fairfield, Montana 59436   (406) 788-2865


1996 Black Stallion SI 96 $29,807 LTE
SI-105, AAAT, ROM Race, SW, $857,256
Dash For Cash
si 114
Rocket Wrangler
si 97

Find A Buyer (TB)
First Prize Rose
si 98
Gallant Jet si 102
Rose Bug si 96
SI 84
Zevi (TB)
Cornish Prince (TB)
Spire (TB)
Decorative Dolly si 95
Mighty Deck si 100
Miss Afton Creek

A truly All-Around sire, Profit Increase, SI 96, SW, $29,807. Profits is the sire of multiple AAAT, AAA, Stakes Winners. He was a Jet black son of World Champion, and All-Time Leading Race Sire, First Down Dash, SI 105, Race get 89,042,738 Million and Leading Barrel Horse Grandsire. His pretty black dam, Zevis Doll, has 18 Race get earning over $243,000.

Profit Increase, now deceased, has over 75 weekend warriors from ages 7 to 70 years old earning over $ 336,060 January, 2023. Known as the Profit Posse, these talented cowboys and cowgirls , young and old, compete in TEAM ROPING, BARREL RACING, RACING, TEAM SORTING, AND Breakaway Roping.  Profit's last crop of foals were born in 2019. Please see website for complete information. His offspring are eligible for 2023 events in BBI, MG Barrels, Who's Your Daddy Stallion Stakes . We are now standing at stud, one of Profits last foals, the beautiful black stallion, Profits Vaquero, out of a Royal Three Charge daughter, Royals Julianne.
